2BizBox® Manual

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19.0 Main

19.9 Customer Service Request

A Customer Service Request is a form sent by a CG User through the online CG Box to 2BizBox to request customer service. 

19.9.1 Equipment

When a sales order is shipped, you can add the sold part as the customer’s equipment. 

Click “2Add Customer Equipment in CG” to input SO #, Item Number, and quantity. The quantity must be less than the shipped quantity:

When updated the General Information, the Customer ID is automatically matched to the SO:

After the equipment is added, CG User A025 is able to look up this part in “My Equipment:”

19.9.2 Add a Customer Service Request

Click “Make Customer Service Request” to open the CSR Form. Fill in all the required contents and click “Submit” at the bottom of the screen to submit the request.

A confirmation message will appear when the request is sent successfully.

19.9.3 Vendor receive CSR and open it in 2BizBox

When a customer’s CSR is sent in the CG Box, the vendor will receive an email in the Customer Service Request Receiver Email as shown below:

This is a pending CSR, so the vendor can go to “Sales Order - CG” and click “2Search Pending Customer Service Request” to search for all pending CSRs. 

This is a CSR in 2BizBox:

You can change CSR status when updating a CSR. “OPEN” means the CSR is approved and in process; “CLOSED” means the CSR is finished.

The vendor should go to “Customer Service Box – Customer Service Incident” to create a Customer Service Incident. 

As soon as the incident is created, the customer can find it in “Customer Service Incident” in the CG Box: