2BizBox® Manual

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16.0 Main

16.2 Separate Customers and Suppliers

As mentioned in the introduction, Customers, Vendors and Departments are sometimes hard to distinguish in companies with very complex businesses. Therefore, 2BizBox allows the merging of the three address types together by the “Separate C/V Address” option in the control panel. If separated, Customers, Vendors and Departments will be managed in three tabs separately and it is the default setting for a new installed 2BizBox System. 

If not separated, there will be a “General” tab under which you can manage both customers and vendors. 

When importing addresses in the control panel, only one address type can be imported, and you can distinguish it as a customer or vendor later.

If separated, three tabs titled “Customer,” “Supplier” and “Department” will appear in the Customer & Vendor Sub module.

Accordingly, when importing them to the Control Panel, three types of addresses can be imported separately. Please note that the changes will take effect after you restart the client.

On the properties of a C/V Address, all of the function tabs belonging to both Customers and Vendors are shown, among which “Customer,” “Sales Code” and “Sales Catalog” belong to customers only while “Vendor” and “Vendor QA Document” belongs to Vendors only. If customers and vendors are separated, then these properties will also be shown separately.

In the following chapters, we will introduce the address types seperately.