2BizBox® Manual

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7.3 Request for Quote

At the request for quote module, you can add a RFQ, search for a RFQ, etc. You can export RFQs to PDF or Excel files, or send it to a vendor. The VG module’s RFQ message can also be looked up here.

7.3.1 RFQ General Process Add RFQ

Go to “PO module-: RFQ->General” and click “Add RFQ” to enter the RFQ adding interface: 

Here, input or pick a vendor ID#. Click “Add” to create one RFQ order with an ID# starting with RFQ, and enter the updating interface. Updating RFQ

When you enter the update RFQ interface, you can see that the RFQ# cannot be changed, but the vendor ID can be changed. Here you can fill out the RFQ’s general information, part information, add a comment and boilerplate.

RFQ General Information 

RFQ general information is located at the upper part of the interface.

 Related parameters’ descriptioins are listed below: 




The RFQ number, which is generated automatically while creating a RFQ.

RFQ Date

The system automatically generates the creation date of the RFQ. 

RFQ Status

RFQ status can be “not approved,” “ Open,” or “Closed;” by default, a newly created RFQ is listed as “Not Approved” 

Approved Date

The approved date of the RFQ will be automatically recorded by the system.

Approved By

The user who approves the RFQ will be automatically recorded by the system.


The RFQ’s contact.

Vendor ID

The RFQ’s supplier’s address ID.

Vendor Name

The name of the vendor in the system.

Bill to ID

The payer ID (Bill to ID) in the system. Sometimes the bill to ID is different from the customers.

Bill to Name

The payer’s name (bill to name)

Ship to ID

Ship to ID in system, sometimes it is different from Customer ID.

Ship to Name

Ship to name


The buyer of the RFQ


 The RFQ’s revision.


The trading methods the RFQ uses.


The shipping place or port.


The third party carrier, it is used for customer’s choosing. Refer to this further in the address module.


Input a carrier directly.

Carrier Account

The carrier’s account is used for accounting calculations.


The RFQ’s account#


The RFQ’s requester


If the RFQ’s equipment belongs to some project, enter it here.


The language used while trading with the vendor.


The currency used while trading with the vendor.

Exchange Rate

The exchange rate used while trading with the vendor.


The payment terms requested by the vendor.

RFQ Item Information

At the “Item Information” screen of the update RFQ interface, add the part to be requested for a quote. At the

“Add Part” window, input a part# and quantity, then click the “+” button to add a part and enter the “Update RFQ item” interface. Fill out all needed information here, and click “OK.” You can also add parts at “Add BOM Item,” it will appear at the “Item” window.

The part added via BOM will be added to the part item interface. You can choose these parts by clickking “Edit” to enter the update part item interface. Here, part’s quantity, price, tax and discountcan be edited directly; select one part item to delete or edit it. At the “Sub Total” row, you can fill out “Freight,” the sub-total row will automatically calculate part item amount, tax amount and grand total.

Comments, Private Notes and Boilerplate

Last, you can add “Comments,” “Private Notes” and “Boilerplate” for the RFQ. “Comments” can be seen by both sides, while “Private Notes” are for private communication; when you are printing a RFQ, you can choose not to print “Private Notes.” RFQ generally don’t need BP, but you may input some content directly. Update RFQ Item

When adding a part item, input part# and quantity, then click “+”go to the “Update RFQ item” interface. Or, you can select a part item and click “Edit” to enter the “Update RFQ item” interface.

Once you choose a new part here, the system will provide notice that the part# has been changed. You just need to click” Refresh” to confirm the part.

Parameters from the update RFQ item interface are described below:  




The RFQ #, with one item# confirms a RFQ item.




The item’s part


The part’s revision.


Part’s description

Ship Date

The part’s shipping date, which includes shipping time needed


Item statuses include “not approved,” “Open,” “Cancelled” and “Closed.”

Ref Doc 1

The item’s upper level related documents, e.g., RFQ.


The item’s comments

Qty Ordered

The ordered part’s quantity


The part’s unit.


The RFQ price of the part.

With Tax

The part’s RFQ price with tax


The discount percentage for the part.

Total Disc

The discount amount for the part.

Net Price

The part price after discount 

Ext Price

The total amount after discount.

Tax Rate

Tax rate

Tax Total

Total tax

Item Grand Total

The part item’s total amount with tax.

Shipping Status

The shipping status of the part item.

Ship via

The part item’s shipping method, if one is not listed, the PO shipping method will be used.

Ref Doc 2

The item’s lower level related doc, e.g., sales order, work order.

Private Notes

The part item’s private notes. Approve RFQ

After filling out all the information at the update request for quote order interface, click “Update” to finish adding the RFQ. 

In the RFQ property interface, the RFQ’s status is still not approved. Related users may click the “Approve” button to approve the RFQ. Its status will be changed to “Open.” Only users with permission can approve a RFQ. The RFQ approval is also the PO approval, which can be added at “PO Module-> PO->Control”.

Click the approve button at the top right to change the RFQ’s status to “Open”.  Open RFQs can be generated as a PDF file send to vendors. They can also be sent to vendors via the VG module. (Refer to this further at the VG module user guide)

Click the “Make PO” button at the bottom of the screen to convert the RFQ to a PO directly.

7.3.2 Look Up RFQ

2BizBox provides many methods to lookup a RFQ. Basic Look up

Look up RFQ

Input a RFQ # to lookup RFQ detailed information. 

Search RFQ

Input a RFQ# key word and click the button to search all related RFQs.

Search RFQ Item by Date

Search a RFQ item by RFQ date or ship date.

RFQ Check List

Click the button to see all RFQs waiting to be approved. RFQ Message Look up

RFQ message lookup is used in the VG module to communicate with vendors. Refer to this further in the chapter, “VG module” 

RFQ Message Check List

Click this button to see a RFQ message check list.

All RFQ Message

Click the button to see all RFQ messages. Report

All Past Due RFQs

Click the button to see all past due RFQs.

All Open RFQs

Click the button to see all open RFQs.