2BizBox® Manual

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2.0 Main

2.4 Database Daily Maintenance 

While the 2BizBox server is running, individuals may lose their files due to unwanted actions or events, inadvertent deletion, or drive failure. Therefore, database backup becomes essential in daily maintenance.

2BizBox data mainly includes:

2.4.1 Backup

You may backup both database and documents for your 2BizBox system. Backup Database

The 2BizBox system provides backup tools to back up the database. Follow these steps: 

There might be two reasons leading to the backup failures: Backup document

The types of documents uploaded to 2BizBox system are various and may include the following:  part document, part picture, drawing document, SO document, PO document, WO document, WI document, QT document, EDC document, certificate document, address QA document, CS item Document, NCR file, WI picture, onloan document, emp records document, ECR document, ECN document, balance sheet, balance sheet (SBS), closing statement, profit loss document. Backup documents by following the steps below:  

2.4.2 Recovery

This includes database and document recovery. Database Recovery

2BizBox also provides recovery tools. The default path is:  C: \Program Files\2BizBox ERP\server\tools\recovery.bat.

l  The below picture will appear if recovery is successfully completed: Document recovery

2.4.3 Synchronize Data

2BizBox provides two databases:  test and default. Test is used for practicing only and default is used for official use. If you need to transfer data from default to test, use defaulttotest.bat as explained in the steps below:  l            Send a notice to all online users to logout of 2BizBox immediately;