2BizBox® Manual

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1.0 Main

1.1a Version info

March 25, 2024 [v6.00]

> Accounting Box
* Highlight the checked items in AP/AR list

> Sales Box
* Add: Copy SO to Quote
> Warehouse Box
* Support Bonded-warehouse
* Multi-warehouse, supporting give warehouse name for physical inventory adding record
* Multi-warehouse, supporting give warehouse name or ID to identify the warehouse
* Add: Incoming Material Notice

> Engineering Box
* Part List, displaying two more columns: on-hand, locate name of maximal inventory

> Architecture Optimization
* Support Web-based PO / SO / Quote / WO / Engineer Box
* Support html-based Vendor Group
* Support simultaneous login of the same user on both mobile and PC platforms
* Record API invoke exception logs to the database

> Other bug fixes

January 22, 2024 [v5.22]

> Warehouse Box
* Support Bonded-warehouse
* Multi-warehouse, supporting give warehouse name for physical inventory adding record

> Engineering Box
* Part List, displaying two more columns: on-hand, locate name of maximal inventory

> Architecture Optimization
* Support simultaneous login of the same user on both mobile and PC platforms

> Other bug fixes

November 27, 2023 [v5.21]

> Purchase Box
* MRP add a control panel switch to display monthly forecast data, with the default setting being turned off
* Added field: Information Status in the Purchase Order list

> Sales Box
* Added field: Total Quantity Not Shipped in the Sales Order list

> Other bug fixes

Oct 20, 2023 [v5.20]

> Engineering Box
* Part search, add search condition: HS_CODE

> Warehouse Box
* When initializing sub-databases, add additional prompt field information for storage locations

> Sales Box
* Add function: Project Documents
* Batch retrieve prices for quotations

> Other modules
* Update the company name and restart after loading the license
* United Arab Emirates (AED) /India has been added for initiation
* Initialize accounting subjects: Add formulas to the general ledger

> Other bug fixes

Oct 8, 2023 [v5.19]

> Purchasing Box

* Purchase Order : Add customer's ID/address as Ship To choices when modifying PO
* Add expire date for VG user

> Warehouse Box
* Vendor Group - get all PF# --Sort By PR# desc
* Default sort change to Descending in Part HomePage Search Pane

> Accounting Box
* Shippers without AR From Date: add Vendor PO column
* Bank Reconciliation list: add columns: AR# & Vendor Invoice
* AR Aging report : add customer incoterms
* Part inSIT: add column : PF#

> Sales Box
* Add SIT qty to the scheduler SO to ship report
* Sales Person can only view their own SO by default (Additional setup required for existing customers)

> Other bug fixes

May 7, 2023 [v5.18]

> Procurement Module
* FTP module upgraded to support JRE 1.8
* Email settings added encryption options

> Engineering Box
* Permission control for viewing / printing pdf drawing

> Other bug fixes

April 19, 2023 [v5.17]

> Warehouses Box
* Proforma Shipper: add columns: Delay days, Arrive date

> Engineering Box
* Fix bug for: Windows size of Bill Item Replacements
* Improvement: Add column Arrive Date for Part OnDemand List

> Accounting Box
* Improvement: Set it optional for printing date on AR Invoice
* Improvement: AP checkrun items order by check number

> Sales Box
* Added ShipTo ID to Search SO by Date Report
* Add sorting by delivery date at Sales Order Report searched by date
* Automatically add requester to Quote

> Code Signing certificate Renewed

> Other enhancement: license Util

March 21, 2023 [v5.16]

> Purchase Box
* Vendor group api has been expanded to apply non-Adobe-flash version
* Add SIT column in PO past due page
* Sort column invoice search

> Other bug fixes: AR
> Other enhancement: license reading

September 25, 2022 [v5.15]

> Manufacturing module
* The business terms BP of MPO is independent of the business terms BP of PO

> Other bug fixes

July 27, 2022 [v5.14]

> Warehouse Box
* Remarkably enhancement of performance for PR loading
* PR: Extra three columns(Qty Ordered/ Qty Received/PO SIT) have been displayed in PR
* PR: new button "Cancel Open PR" has been appended. Related Permission validation is assigned
* Blocking duplicated exchange data for PR from the same supplier
* Sales Order Shipper, Serial Text Box supports multiple lines (first iteration)
* Fix the bug of blank in PDF generated in non-production receiving
* Fix bug for inventory

> Sales Box
* Enhancement for project management: project serial number, fuzzy query, validation
* Project management: improve project information management, project leader, project status, project department, project customer, project initiation date, commencement date, cancellation date and end date
* Project management: the sales contract, purchase contract, work order, production and financial voucher related to the project can be queried uniformly, which further improves the project accounting

> Work Order Box
* Enhancement: Work order type & work order item type
* Work order type is mainly used to solve work order classification problems, such as R & D work order, sales work order, goods preparation work order, after-sales service work order and pre-sales project work order
* Work order item type is mainly used to distinguish the importance of work order or task assignment

> Finance Box
* Add field: voucher detail type. Used to distinguish cash flows, such as cash flows from operating activities, investment activities and financing activities, which lays a voucher foundation for making a cash flow statement
* Add field: total parts shipped for commercial invoice
* Fix bugs for backing up The income statement
* Fix bugs for the annual budget report query

> Engineering Box
* Fix bugs for document displayed without table header
* Enhancement for ECN/ECR document synchronization for related orginizations

> Other bugs fix
* Enhancement for GUI availability
* Permit unauthorised user input their license in five minutes
* Company setting: company name displayed synchronously after department is selected
* Search PartVendor / Part Manufacturing

November 29,2021 [v5.13.1]

> Purchase Box
* Enable to consider the currency in PO approval when approving the purchase order
* Fix the bug of the wrong date in RTV print
* Fix the bug of the wrong status when deleting all PO items if using ‘Order change Request’

> Work Order Box
* Enable to approve the WO item when adding or updating and show the change logs
* Fix the bug about the wrong onhand of different branch warehouse in WO pick list when using Branch Warehouse

> Security Box
* Improve the selecting mode to keep the current page

> Accounting Box
* Improve the detail statement print and fix the logo layout issue
* Add the currency and customer ID filters in ‘2Search AR by Date’ report

> Warehouse Box
* Add the individual permission about ‘View Inventory Month Report’
* Fix the bug about changing category issue in ‘2Search Part Without Category Info’
* Fix the bug about no receiver items issue when receiving one PO item

August 28, 2020 [v5.11]

> Purchasing Box
* Project control, add "project development check" function
* New "Search all Sales Listings" report
* Support drag and drop document upload for sales list, quotation and return list

> Procurement Box
* Purchase order and inquiry list support drag and drop document upload

> Sales Box
* Modification of print phone and fax without any data displayed, including purchase order, work order, and recovery order
* New "Search all Sales Listings" report
* Support drag and drop document upload for sales list, quotation and return list

> finance Box
* New "Search all Sales Listings" report
* Newly added accounts receivable support is arranged according to invoice number

> warehouse Box

* Repair non-production receiving single negative, inventory monthly report uneven
* New exclusive authority control for monthly inventory report viewing
* Fixed a report that searched for sales orders shipped by date, ordering by invoice number is invalid

> address Box
* Customer and supplier query, repair support fuzzy search function

June 20, 2020 [v5.10]

> Engineering Box
* "2Search by Part # (Contain)" new search condition: ENG Description
* New reports: 2Search by Part Description (Start With), 2Search by part ENG Description start with)

> Purchasing Box
* New fields for PO, RFQ, Quote, SO, RMA: Projec. and supports printing
* Purchase order number supports new generation rules
* The return form supports uploading documents
* Fixed the issue that the printing icon is blocked when printing the recycling list
* Added "PO Check list" buyer support sorting
* Fix "PO Change Approval List" layout problem
* Fix the problem that the return unit and the purchasing unit are inconsistent after the purchase order is initiated after the purchase unit is created
* Fixed the issue that the unpaid purchase order advance payment order could not be cancelled
* Fixed the issue that the related document 1 and related document 2 of the material requirement plan are not displayed
* Fix the issue that NA is included in the purchase order export exchange data when it is imported into the sales order

> Sales Box
* "2Search by Quote" adds column: Currency
* The sales order number supports new generation rules
* Recycling form supports uploading documents
* Quote documents and sales documents support drag and drop document upload
* New field in quotation: tax price
* Fixed the issue of saving errors when the discount rate of purchase orders and sales orders was 100
* New purchase order\sales order contacts can automatically add default preferred contacts

> Work Order Box
* After repairing the quantity of the issued materials in the parts list of the repair order is taken out by NCR, it can still continue to receive materials (simultaneous operation)
* Optimized display, the problem of the small display area of ​​the outbound shipping date on the work order process interface

> Manufacturing Box
* Added external management, you can view the approved revision review
* Optimize the display of the process interface, add the title of "Description" in the work center
* Fixed the problem that after the corresponding work center of the device bound to the work center was deleted, the device did not delete the work center synchronously

> Production execution
* Fixed the problem that the quality inspection in the tasks in the workshop workbench has the problem that after entering the quality inspection in multiple lines (beyond the default display page), the page will automatically jump to the first line in a few seconds

> Finance Box
* Batch receipts, batch payment orders support adding documents
* New fields for "AP Aging": Country, Terms, Avg Days To Pay
* "ABC Analysis Cycle count accounting treatment" fixes the problem of refresh error
* After the ABC inventory workbook is submitted, it supports the automatic generation of vouchers, which is controlled by the switch in the company settings
* Fix the financial parameter setting, when the wrong account is set, the error will be reported continuously
* Added report "Uneven gl By search"
* Fix the problem that the status of the reopened accounting period in the month-end checkout after opening the closed accounting period is opened by default

> Warehouse Box
* "2Search po Receiver by date" new search condition: "Condition". And "Condition" supports editing in the newly added "Receiver Condition"
* The form receipt supports uploading documents
* The invoice supports uploading documents
* The return invoice supports uploading documents

> Other
* When setting permissions, the drop-down list rebounded, that is, the drop-down list was invalid

April 20, 2020 [v5.9]

> Engineering Box
* Optimize the display effect of "Change Request" and "Disposition" in ECR
* Fixed the issue that the engineering description was not copied when copying parts

> Purchasing Box
* New: 2Add Purchase Order By Month
* Added: 2Search Purchase Order By Month

> Sales Box
* New: 2Add Fixed Sales Order By Month
* Added: 2Search Sales Order By Month
* "All Open Sales Orders by Ship Date in RMB" in Sales Info Box supports searching by Product Code

> Work Order Box
* Optimizing the total cost of issuing materials to 0 is the logic of generating work order receipt documents
* Support for generating vouchers when the work order issue quantity is negative
* Fixed the error of sorting work order numbers in "2Search WO by Part # to lssue"
* Fixed the issue that sub-work order has no work process when creating sub-work order
* Fixed the issue of incomplete printing when the name of the printed work order part is too long when printing the work order
* Fixed the issue of incomplete printing when the name of the printed work order part is too long when printing the work order process

> Mfg Box
* New printing mode: detailed mode is added to the inspection card during printing
* Employee ID in "2Search Mfg Time By Date" supports sorting
* New printing options are added in the printing process inspection card: whether to print process barcodes and whether to print work center barcodes

> Accounting Box
* The bank statement adds support for the amount verification function
* The support record "Record The Difference Between The Return Price And The Average Cost" (which is controlled by the switch in the company's settings) has been added to the voucher for the payable bill
* Inventory management-"2Search Inventory", new search condition: total inventory> 0
* Added support for uploading documents in GL, cm, dm

> Quality Box
* Corrected errors and added support for printing to EXCEL documents
* Proforma invoice-"Search by time" new columns: retrospective number; bill of lading; container number, container seal number; shipping mark

> Warehouse Box
* New print option for invoice: print the unsold quantity of sales order
* New reminder for receipt list: there will be a reminder if the changes affect the cost statistics of parts
* Fix the display error of the average cost of different parts of parts in "Search ABC Analysis Inventory by Parts"

> HR Box
* New field in employee detailed interface: supervisor;
* New columns in "2Search by Department" report: Supervisor, WorkingTeam

> Address Book Box
* View all purchase orders in the supplier's details interface and adjust the default order

January 31, 2019 [v5.8]

> Engineering Box
* Added the option to overwrite the original drawings when uploading drawings
* Added "Search For Part Utilization By Date" report
* New fields for some parts reports: "Weight" and "Weight Unit"
* Added "Create The ECN In The Bom" report

> Purchasing Box
* Added "PO Change Approval List" report, which can review and modify the purchase order
* Added purchasing workbook support for Excel printing

> Sales Box
* Fixed "2Search SO on Time Delivery Rate" report error when "Days Delayed" and "Days Advanced" are empty
* "Customer SO Month Stat" add ability to sort by Monthly total

> Mfg Box
* Fixed "Save as invalid" when printing in "Setup Job by WO" report
* Added support for copying process. Support inputting WI Version during copying
* Fixed Tool Master list "Expand Sub Bill" being displayed repeatedly
* Added support for opening drawings of corresponding parts when printing in the "Setup Job by WO" report
* New field for Tool Master: "Tooling Code"
* Added "2Lookup Where Used" to support EXCEL printing
* "MFG BOM" new column: "Model"
* Tool Master added search criteria "ProductCode", "CommodityCode", "Make / Buy:", "Description", "Quality Inspection Type", "Type"
* Tool Master supports adding "ProductCode"

> MES Box
* Fixed the default type of quality report index management report part type is not "ALL"
* Fixed that the number of quality inspections of tasks in the workshop workbench was not synchronized with the number of corresponding work order items
* Improved Inspection Specifications
* Added inspection: If you do not complete the quality inspection when closing the workbench task, you are not allowed to close the task
* Added "Batch Update Date Info of WO / SO" report to support batch adjustment of demand time of work orders and delivery time of sales orders

> Work Order Box
* Improve work order closing logic. Work order items cannot be closed when the work order has tasks
* Repair work order process number is not modified after modifying work order process
* Improve "WO Issue Parts Cost Report (Include Sub WO)" performance issue
* The material details of the work order support adding materials with a quantity of 0
* Fixed the problem of inaccurate work order process and process when printing process

> Warehouse Box
* Added support for inventory of Tool Master
* Some inventory logs cannot be viewed in detail during inventory

> Accounting Box
* Improve the "Search Customer Paymen Punctuality Rate" report, add support for searching "Delay Days", add columns to the report: "Salesman", "Terms"
* Profit Loss Statement supports custom Account
* "2Search Customer CM Mon th Stat.Report" add ability to sort by totals
* "Customer AR Stat.Report" add ability to sort by Monthly total

> Address Book Box
* Added "multi-criteria search customer" search criteria: "Contacts" and "Mobile Phone"

Oct. 11, 2019 [v5.7]

> Engineering Box
* Optimize the display of the part, the general information part of the part is changed to 5 columns to display
* Fixed an issue where "Product Code" did not automatically convert size
* Change "Compulsory inspection" to "All inspection" in the part details screen
* Added search criteria in the "2Search EDC by Part#" report: "Project Engineer" and "Project Class"
* Added field "ECR" in the project control sheet
* Added parts with engineering change order, in the part details interface, purchase order workbook, the background color of the purchase order is red
* "Eng Description" can be added when adding new parts
* Added support for copying parts to tools
* Added field "Mfg Code" in the part details screen
* Added support for batch setting project groups

> Purchasing Box
* Added "Search The Detail Of Part Requirements According To The Time Required For WO/SO" report

> Sales Box
* Fixed purchase order receipt to sales order, there was a problem that the manufacturer's parts did not display the manufacturer information in the generated invoice, and the invoice was generated in the "2Search Shipper by Date" report after the invoice was generated. Do not display the item number
* Fix the search logic of the "SO's Past Due" report, and now the search results are more intuitive

> Manufacturing Box
* Fixed an issue where printing a tool list failed
* Added the ability to copy the process to other parts
* Added tool list support for "Expand Sub Bill" and "Collapse All" functions
* Added the "Setup Job by WO" report to the work center if the work order has a process support for displaying the work center's barcode
* Added the main work order/sub-work order for displaying the current work order when printing in the "Setup Job by WO" report

> Mes Box
* The repair task does not support splitting
* Add "Delete All Unscheduled WO ltem" option to the schedule workbook work item

> Work Order Box
* Fix the problem that when the "Print Barcode For Order" is enabled in the control panel, the work order is printed and the interface is blocked by the barcode
* Repair work order items have problems with ongoing tasks that can still be deleted/closed
* Optimize which item is given when the number of modified work orders is less than the number of associated data two
* Added "Work Order Production Cost Statistics Report"

> Quality Box
* Added batch copy serial number to support custom add and serial number mode addition

> Warehouse Box
* Optimize "Ship List" performance issues
* Optimize the problem that the item receipt cannot be closed when the part is put into the warehouse through the purchase order in some cases
* Fix "Issue" in "2Search Part Issued For WO" report printing is wrong

> Accounting Box
* Added "Search Customer Paymen Punctuality Rate" report
* Fixed an issue where duplicate invoices might be created in some cases
* Repair manufacturing purchase order related work order receipt, manufacturing purchase order return, modify the price after receiving, the parts inventory log shows 0 yuan return problem
* Added batch-added checks to support the "Cancel Check" feature
* Added "Add Accounts Receivable by Sales Order" report to support the creation of invoices based on purchase orders, optimizing the choice of "Term"
* When optimizing AR/AP, it is judged whether it will affect the GL amount. If the effect will pop up a prompt
* Optimize performance issues for aging reports and fix inaccurate aging reports

> HR Box
* Optimizing the search results for the "2Search Temporary Card" report is now more intuitive

> Address Book Box
* When adding a quotation, when the bill of issue is printed, the weight unit is converted to the weight unit in the address (if there is no weight unit in the address, it will not be converted)

> Security Box
* The user's expiration time is "00:00:00" and is now changed to "23:59:59"
* Change the permissions of "Download Drawings" to individual permissions
* Separate the permissions of the sales order document management from the update rights of the sales order and control them separately

> Control Panel
* Optimize the description of the task in "Scheduler Management", now the description is more detailed
* Repair the company's home page with the part number of different types of different parts of the manufacturer's drawings when downloading, the downloaded drawings and documents are inconsistent with the parts
* Fixed an issue where the project group had no default data when initializing the system
* Redo the "Use Order Change Request" function. The information display is now more intuitive and supports the manufacturer information of the audit item

Aug. 31, 2019 [v5.6.1]

> Engineering Box
* Optimize the "BOM", the function of each button below the bill of materials interface can be dynamically displayed by tab switching
* Fix an issue where the "ECN" did not fill in the new version and could still be reviewed

> Purchasing Box
* Add "MRP" in "Part Required Repor" to search by status
* Fix an issue where "2Export" of the purchase order was used to add "2Add Sales Order by Customer PO"
* Fix, after the purchase order was copied from the sales order, there was no automatic problem of obtaining the tax rate in the supplier address

> Manufacturing Box
* Optimiz, when adding an address number, there is a duplicate ID to give a prompt
* Fix, create a manufacturing RFQ in "Manufacturing RFQ", check the manufacturer's part, and the prompt "No Manufacturer Part Number" will pop up, but there is no place to add the part number;

> Work Order Box
* Fix "Disassemble Work Order", if there is a demand number of 0, divided by 0 error.

> Quality Box
* Optimize the display of "NCR #"

> Accounting Box
* Fix, when printing "2Lookup Statement by Customer ID" in "AR", the result of choosing to print/not print "Unit Price and Discount" is the opposite problem
* Fix, "2Add AR For Shipper ltems" cannot be used in "AR"
* Fix, when printing "AR" in "AR", check the print comments, the problem of comments not printed

> Warehouse Box
* Fix the problem of adding the first "2Take New ABC Analysis Cycle Count" error in "ABC Analysis Cycle Count" in "Physical Inventory"
* Fix a problem with duplicate data in the "2Search Shipper by Date" report in "Shipping"
* Fix the problem of using the print function error in the "2Search PO Receiver by Date" report in "Receiving"
* Fix a part of the "Vendor Group" with a strong inspection type is a problem that the number of items that can be received exceeds the number of inspection orders
* Fix an inaccurate number of related parts when using "Vendor Group"

> Address Book Box
* Fix "2Add Vendor" in "Customer & Vendor": When "Vendor ID" is automatically generated, add a duplicate, pop-up prompt and click Cancel, return the wrong type of company

> Control Panel
* Add "Batch Create ECN" to "Company Settings" and optimized the performance of "Batch Create ECN"
* Add "CVAddressID Generate Type" to "Company Settings", which can be selected manually or by serial number
* Optimiz, "Export Part Data to JDE (including product code and commodity code)" in "Scheduler Management", the prompt of successful running of the task and the prompt of running failure
* Fix the unit weight conversion rate setting in the control panel to all set to 0, print the invoice error

May. 31, 2019 [v5.6]

> Engineering Box
* Enable to search on multiple words in description field of part master module
* Change the length of "material" in material info to a big one
* Add a filter about 'Quality Inspection Type' in '2Search by Parts # and Description' report
* Enable to create ECN for parent part automatically after approving the ECN of its child part
* Add quality inspection type in 2Search by Parts and Description report
* Add search by part #,description,MFG ID or Buyer code in BOM screen

> Purchase Box
* Add Request for Quote name in RFQ print
* Add REV to Purchasing Work Sheet and make part # cell red if its ECN is OPEN
* Add permissions to view and delete any worksheet
* Add filter about 'Status' in 'Part Required Report'
* Show PO contact email address when sending PO

> Warehouse Box
* Enable to set IR when receiving PR
* Add some cost info when generating PR
* Add last 30/90/365 days usage info in Part Inventory List
* Add SO/Item and Shipper/Item info in '2Search Shipper by Date' report
* Add option about print cost and discount in PF print screen

> Work Order Box
* Add ECN column and show OPEN ECN in Work Order Part Detail screen
* Add qty behind location in WO pick list print
* Add bar code to part master in WO pick list
* Add an option about 'Print Signature' in WO pick list

> Accounting Box
* Add CU # filter and its column in 2Search GL Credit & Debit report
* Add 'Print Comment' option in statement report print settings
* Add filter about 'Salesman' in '2Search Sales Tax'
* Add option about print cost and discount in AR statement print screen

> Manufacturing Box
* Add Checked Date/Lasted Date filters and column in WI reports
* Add 'Part From' in Pick list for BOM report and enable to get the pick list of Tool room
* Enable to look the tool directly in WI screen
* Add 'Issue Gap' in tracking screen when issuing parts
* Add SO/Item and Shipper/Item info in 2Search Invoice by Date
* Add SO/Item and Shipper/Item info in AR detail screen

> Control Panel Box
* Add a new scheduler about exporting product code/commodity code to JDE

Oct. 25, 2018 [v5.5.1]

> Engineering Box
* Set Quality Inspection Type to ‘Exemption from Inspection’ by default when generating a new part

> Purchasing Box
* Add function about ‘Copy RFQ to WO’
* Add ‘Order Change Request’ function to RFQ
* Enable to upload files to RFQ
* Add filters about ‘Product Code’ and ‘ACCT#’ in ‘2Search RFQ Item by Date’ report
* Fix bug about ‘Error appears after clicking Part Required Report’

> Sales Box
* Fix bug about ‘Cannot click the link to go to the details in Customer SO Month Stat. report’

> Warehouse Box
* Remove part type in packing box print
* Enable to upload files to Transfer Order
* Add ‘Product Code’ column in ‘2Search Inventory by Location’ report
* Add ‘Product Code’ column in ‘Inventory Month Report(Location)’ report
* Add ‘Product Code’ column in ‘2Search Part Issued for WO’ report
* Add ‘Product Code’ column in ‘2Search Shipper by Date’ report
* Add ‘Product Code’ column in ‘2Search PO Receiver by Date’ report
* Add ‘Product Code’ filter in ‘2Search Receiver WOs by Date’ report
* Add ‘Avg Cost Total’ and ‘Std Cost Total’ in ‘2Search Shipper by Date’ report
* Add totals in results for ABC Analysis Cycle Count report
* Enable to change part's category in ‘2Search ABC Category Info’ report

> Work Order Box
* Add total hours in WO time detail screen
* Add filters about ‘WO’,’Related Doc’ and Part ’Description’ in ‘2Search WO by Date’ report
* Add box # in Work Order Pick list and print
* Add DWG and MFG BOM info in general Information of WO part detail screen
* Add part description in WO part detail update screen
* Add status filter and column in '2Search Master WO' report

> Accounting Box
* Add Vendor Invoice Total,Grand Total and Tax info in ‘2Search APR’ report
* Enable to print customer instruction in invoice and packing list
* Fix the bug about ‘Exception appears after clicking accounting info center’

> Manufacturing Box
* Add total hours in 'Closed Mfg Time....' report

> Address Book Box
* Create a customer/vendor list that includes contact name and email address

> Others
* Add system user name in PDF print